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Aziende consigliate

Tocco da Casauria (Pe)
085.880 509

Eventi e Fiere

Olive varieties


The variety represents the element of exploitation related to the environmental aspect of production and to obtain quantitatively and qualitatively valid. Much of the olive oil production comes from only three regional varieties: the Leccino, the Straight and Gentile di Chieti which are surrounded by numerous other varieties of minor importance.


We find as the common area vestina Pianella Moscufo and Loreto Aprutino, although it is expanding throughout the region. Good and constant productivity, which is accompanied by a trend towards pre-harvest fruit drop. The olives have a period of early maturation medium, the oil yield has a good organoleptic characteristics, and fruit.

Gentile of Chieti

This variety is typical of the province of Chieti, valued for its productivity and resistance to cold. Ripens mid-late, climb, with good oil yield of good organoleptic characteristics, it is medium fruity.


Olive-growing area is the town of Tocco and Casauria Castiglione Casauria.Interesting variety for its high oil yield (23%). Late ripening, high yield medium fruity oil.


Variety in the town of Castiglione Messer Raimondo and surrounding areas. A limited distribution, a good but low oil yield. Average age of maturation of the olives with good organoleptic characteristics.


Present in Casoli, Diver, Strings and Roccascalegna. Despite the modest material properties as

table oil, turns out to be important for resistance to

cold and speed of fructification. Ripens early, average yield in oil but with excellent organoleptic and fruity.

Cucco or Olivoce

This old olive groves in the coastal hills, especially in the towns of Francavilla, Montesilvano, Pescara and Bucchianico. With the average large fruit is processed as black table olives. The spread has been halted by sensitivity to the alternation of generation and pre-harvest fruit drop. Early and climb the maturity period, the average oil yield.

Ghiandaro or  Iannaro and Crognalegno

Plants of this quality are present in the groves of Chieti and Pescara. Interesting for the good hardiness and the organoleptic characteristics of the product which is particularly fruity. Middle-late and gradual maturation of the era. Fruit long shot.

Nebbio of Chieti

This variety along the coastal hills between Ortona and Vasto, particularly suited to the climatic conditions of the coast. Ripens medium, high oil yield (22%), medium organoleptic characteristics.


Varieties introduced in the whole region and especially in recent installations. Its spread favors the coastal area and hilly land fertile and deep, showing problems of adaptability in the inland areas and cold in the region. Ripens early and contemporary, the average oil yield.


This variety in the region, particularly in the province of Teramo. It is characterized by early fruit development and a high and constant fruiting. Ripens mid-late, good oil yield with high quality, fruity.




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